Saturday, July 24, 2010

Entering the Blogger Realm

We have decided to take the plunge and start a travel blog. Our primary inspiration comes from Scott's Tour de Force blog. For us, it was wonderful to read of his thoughts and descriptions of his epic experience. We hope that we can relate some of the things we will see and experience during our upcoming Baltic cruise, Passion Play and our personal tour through Switzerland, Austria and Paris.

Sooooooooooo....stay turned!


  1. Inspired by Scott??? what in the world and so what am I chopped liver over here for the past 6 years.
    Scott has one for 6 days and you are inspired. Yowza!
    I may have to hire scott to start writing for me.

    Ok so I do have to say a little, little I TOLD YOU SO! Back when I started blogging I said you should document all the places you go and what you saw on a blog and you thought I was crazy. So who is crazy now?

    Better late than never. we are so excited to read about all your adventures.
    make sure you get the blogger application for your iphone which makes posting super easy.

    So for now I will take second seat to Mr. Scott - dang I thought there was going to be one thing I could do better than him. Ah such is life.

    Love you guys!!
    Wengen here you come!!

  2. Maybe I should blog? Kristi will you design me a blog?

  3. I need help with the design too!!

  4. I have a blog and never use it...I'm so lame!
